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How Many Times Faith is Mentioned in the Bible?

how many times faith is mentioned in the bible
how many times faith is mentioned in the bible

Faith is a foundational concept in Christianity and the Bible. But how prevalent is this idea, really? Across various translations, “faith” appears between 227 and 287 times in the Bible. While the exact count differs, it’s clear that faith arises frequently in scripture.

In this article, we’ll explore:

  • The definition of faith according to the Bible
  • How many times faith is mentioned in both Testaments
  • Key distinctions between the uses of “faith” and “faithful”
  • The significance of faith’s frequent appearances

Defining Faith Biblically

Before quantifying faith, we must understand what the Bible means by it. Hebrews 11:1 offers a concise definition:

“Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.” (NIV)

This verse establishes faith as belief and trust in God’s promises about the future. It is conviction in the unseen rather than mere wishful thinking. The object of biblical faith is God Himself and what He has declared.

Crucially, faith is active. As the article “What is Faith?” on explains:

“True faith involves belief in the person and work of Jesus Christ and leads to trusting Him alone for salvation. Faith goes beyond mental agreement to active participation with God in all that He asks of us.”

Faith isn’t just an attitude we hold. True biblical faith expresses itself through our actions and transforms every area of life.

How Many Times Faith is Mentioned in the Bible? Quantifying Faith in the Bible

how many times faith is mentioned in the bible

With this definition established, let’s explore the prevalence of “faith” throughout scripture:

  • In the King James Version, “faith” appears 247 times across both testaments.
  • The New International Version contains 270 instances of “faith”.
  • The New American Standard Bible records 250 occurrences.
  • The New Revised Standard Version has 264 cases of “faith”.

Clearly, faith arises frequently across translations. But we must dig deeper.

Old Testament Usage

In the Old Testament alone:

  • As a noun, “faith” occurs 49 times.
  • The related term “faithful” appears 113 times.
  • The phrase “break faith” is used 35 times.

This demonstrates 197 references to faith in the Old Testament. Most pertain to God’s unwavering faithfulness towards His people or mankind’s failure to remain faithful to God.

New Testament Usage

Faith takes on greater significance in the New Testament:

  • The NIV translates “faith” 287 times in the New Testament.
  • As GotQuestions states, “faith is central to Christianity” because salvation is attained solely through faith in Christ.
  • Jesus repeatedly emphasizes the importance of faith in His teachings.

Clearly, “faith” permeates the New Testament as Christ’s life and message transform its meaning.

Key Differences Between “Faith” and “Faithful”

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We’ve explored the prevalence of faith and got the answer of How Many Times Faith is Mentioned in the Bible, but it’s important to note a distinction in the Hebrew Bible regarding “faith” versus “faithful”:

  • As a noun, “faith” refers to the concept itself – belief and trust in God.
  • “Faithful” describes a person who adheres to faith and displays steadfast commitment to God.

These are related but distinct terms. The frequent appearances of “faithful” emphasize God’s constant faithfulness towards His people and humanity’s inconsistent commitment to Him.

Meanwhile, uses of “faith” focus on the meaning of the concept. Biblical authors build an understanding of what faith entails.

The Significance of Faith’s Prevalence

Given how central faith is to Christian theology, we might expect it to arise frequently in the Bible. But the precise extent of its usage is enlightening:

  • The 200+ Old Testament references lay a foundation for understanding faith’s role in man’s relationship with the divine.
  • The 287 New Testament usages cement faith’s supreme importance within Christ’s teachings.

The language of faith permeates scripture because it is foundational to biblical revelation. Through the repeated emphasis on faith, the Bible underscores its necessity for relating to God. Faith is not a side note – it’s central to God’s purposes throughout human history.

Ultimately, quantifying the concept provides unique insight into its profound biblical significance. Faith’s prevalence inspires us to actively trust God in every area of life.

Examples of Faith in Action

While defining faith is critical, biblical examples better illustrate what authentic faith looks like in action:


God promised Abraham innumerable descendants despite his old age. As Hebrews 11:8-12 describes, Abraham trusted God’s pledge and left his home in faith. His belief was “credited to him as righteousness.”


Though building an ark seemed absurd, Noah trusted God’s warning about the coming flood. This belief led him to obey God’s instructions, resulting in salvation (Hebrews 11:7).


The prostitute Rahab heard reports of the Israelites’ God and chose to hide their spies in faith. This act spared her life during the siege of Jericho (Hebrews 11:31).


When Jesus offered to visit and heal the centurion’s servant, the officer believed Christ could heal from afar simply by speaking. Jesus commended his exceptional faith (Luke 7:1-10).

These examples reveal key qualities of biblical faith:

  • Action based on trusting God’s word
  • Abandoning human understanding at times
  • Confidence in God’s power and goodness
  • Obedience even in confusing circumstances

Genuine faith transforms every aspect of life. It is robust belief leading to full reliance on God, as outlined further at’s article on the transformative nature of faith.

Distinguishing Features of Biblical Faith

Biblical faith differs from ordinary human faith. Salvation comes soly through faith placed in Christ. But what sets biblical faith apart?

Divine object – Faith rests entirely in the reliable person and promises of God.

Future fulfillment – It trusts in unseen future realities promised by God.

Transforms life – Faith expresses itself in obedience and endurance through trials.

Biblical faith reaches beyond human limits because its object is the omnipotent, faithful God.

Also Read: 6 Best Documentaries About the Bible

Closing Thoughts

Across centuries of biblical history, we see faith’s immense significance. From Abraham to Rahab to the centurion, true faith actuates belief into courageous action.

By studying how the Bible defines and exemplifies faith over 247+ appearances, we gain wisdom for applying faith today. Grounding our lives wholly in God’s trustworthiness can lead us into deeper relationship with Him.

The staggering prevalence of “faith” throughout scripture mirrors its enormous importance. Just as faith arose in generation after generation biblically, we are called to live by active, transforming faith now.

God vows to remain faithful towards us despite our wavering belief. As we dig into the abundant biblical emphasis on faith, may it strengthen our confidence in God’s promises and ability to bring them to pass.

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