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Bible Studies

The Bible contains the obscure word “beguiled” in several passages conveying the idea of being thoroughly deceived, influenced, or charmed in a misleading way...

Bible Studies

The high places were raised natural or man-made locations in ancient Israel and Judah that were sites of pagan worship and sacrifice. They were...

Bible Studies

Have you ever come across the term “Havilah” while reading your Bible and wondered where exactly it refers to? I used to scratch my...

Bible Studies

Pride is a concept that comes up often throughout the entirety of the Bible. But have you ever wondered exactly how many times the...

Spiritual Meanings

Soil often carries deeper meaning in dreams. As someone fascinated by dream interpretation from a biblical lens, I want to explore the significance of...

Spiritual Meanings

As an explorer of faith and the Bible, I’m often asked what it means to dream about a wedding. Wedding dreams tend to stick...


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